Friday, December 24, 2010

Cranberry Juice CHUB Pack

Home in Oakland for the holidays, and working on a couple projects to stay warm. I brought my cauldron full of fabric all the way from LA so I could continue to experiment with natural dyeing and get going on the GRUB line. 

My new temporary workspace with a nice view of the estuary.

1 gallon Cranberry Juice (CVS brand) + Alum as a mordant (to make the dye bite to the fiber) 

1 silk shirt, 1 textured cotton sweater, 1.5 yards of canvas went into the dyebath

with the canvas I made prototype #2 of a design I've been working on for a 
plump little backpack with fur trim now to be referred to as CHUB PACKS

Happy Holidays

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Introducing GRUB

Last year I heard rumor that some models who were part of my spring fashion show had been eating cotton balls and smoking cigarettes in order to feel full without eating real food. This upset me a great deal and has inspired my entire line this year to be designed and constructed with FOOD in mind. Each look is based off a dish or significant combination of ingredients; this dish not only dictates the form of the look, but the ingredients themselves are used as natural dye material to treat all of the fabric. In order to get my models in the mood, all of our fittings will also be dinner parties featuring the foods I have been working with. This blog was created to document my process, if you have any questions, feel free to email me at:

- Anna Reutinger
G.M.A. Designer